Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Cold Shoulder

When James and I left France, we were so "Frenched-out" (think "turned out" LOL) that we immediately got online and started checking out airfares so that we could go back in December.  After all, December is a busy month:  It's Uncle Gino's birthday, cousin Teddy and Aurelie are having a baby, Uncle Gino & Aunt Astrid have an anniversary, it's Christmas (in France!), yada yada yada.  Of course, 5 days later, my husband tells me he doesn't want to go.  I didn't even ask him why.  I simply gave him The Cold Shoulder and The Silent Treatment for a few days.  Grrrrrrr.  I am happy to report, however, that we will be going back in June.  I'll be able to get my Paris Shop On and bring back more fab stuff.  Yowza!  (You ladies just about bought me out within the week!) 
P.S. I guess The Cold Shoulder works sometimes.  My husband rocks!  (That's him on the left.)  Wink, wink.

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